Are You Prepared to be Skunked?
If you meet one of these ... probably it will be last potty call at 10 pm or so, when your dog comes *Warning* This mixture can be explosive, as it will fizz and creates pressure if it is enclosed in a seal tight container. Never store unused portion, always discard. Be sure to only mix in an open container and do not try to store or cover it in any way. Do not get the mixture into the dog's eyes, nose or mouth.
face to face with one! Likely you're not prepared, but then what are you to do, other than panic, if your dog, and maybe you get sprayed? It's certainly not a pretty sight, or should I say smell.First off, let's try to prevent this kind of incident from happening all together. Make sure you take your dog out on lead and carry a flashlight ... a) you'd like to keep your dog from putting his nose where you don't want it to go, and b) you just might see the light from their eyes, or the white stripe. Skunks only spray if they feel threatened.
However, if it happens what is one to do? Well, at 10 pm you're probably not prepared, right? or maybe after reading this Blog, and you're in an area where you could come into contact with them, you just might have some items on hand.
If you have none of the so called 'skunk-off' products, you can try going to your vet and finding their outside drop off box as they are usually kind enough to leave a bottle there for emergencies. Otherwise, you need to find a safe haven for your dog, out of the house ... like the garage. If you've crate trained your dog, here's a time when it would come in handy. Leaving your dog on a porch or deck, in their crate would also work. The key is to remember that where ever the dog has the skunk's oils on them it will transfer everywhere.
So what can you have on hand. In asking on FB and searching the web there are a couple of tried and true suggestions. Most people haven't found the store bought products to work well as they'd hoped.
This is one, and we can all keep it on hand at a minimal cost.
Take 1 quart of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide (available from any drugstore), 1/4 cup of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate for you science types) and 1 teaspoon of liquid soap, such as Ivory. Mix in a bucket and immediately apply to the stinky pet. Rinse thoroughly with tap water.
And the last one, believe it or not are the feminine hygiene douches! Yep, can you see a man buying a box of it at 11pm at a Shopper's Drug Mart? along with some candles? I've had more than one reply of similar nature :) but those that have tried it say it does work.
One key to remember is the skunk's oils transfer everywhere, have I said that already?! So change your clothes to old ones, use paper towels to soak up any oils you can 1st. Remember, that as you wash the dog the oils transfer from the affected area, so 1st work the skunked area well before doing the rest of the dog. Most often the face is involved, so one must be careful around the eyes. Use an old face cloth, sponge, or paper towels to clean this area - remember you are going to be throwing these things out!
Be prepared, and be alert at night, especially if you're in unknown territory, such as a camping.
Good luck, if this happens to happen to your dog.