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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Shaymus - A Ball Crazy Dog

Just received an email from Lynn Cuthbert who owns Shaymus. I wrote 2 weeks ago about a Flyball competition I saw on exiting the Carp Market. Well they were there, and what a summer they've had so far - SIX new TITLES!!!!

1. CKC Novice Standard
2. CKC Novice Jumpers with Weaves
3. AAC Starters Standard
4. AAC Starters Games
5. NAFA - FD-Ch (Flyball)
6. UFLI - TF111 (Flyball)

Advanced and Intermediate Agility so far:

1. Advanced Gamblers - Leg 1 - 1st and Best Run AAC
2. Intermediate Standard - Leg 1 - 1st and Best Run
3. Intermediate Jumpers with Weaves - Leg 1 - 1st and Best Run

He has one more intermediate CKC event on Oct 10th.
Congrats Lynn on such success!!!!


Laureate September 15, 2009 at 9:13 PM  

What a great photo! It sure conveys the energy and drive of this Sheltie. Congrats to Lynn on her successes with Shaymus.



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