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Monday, May 31, 2010

More Shelamo Wins on the Weekend!

I get home from the dog show Sunday and have several emails from clients, with some more great news on accomplishments of some of our other Shelamo dogs. Down the Cornwall way, Valerie had her girl Grace, Playland Shelamo The Charmed One out trying her paw at herding. Here's a few pics she sent of her obtaining her Herding Instinct Test. I think she's got it in her!

Valerie wrote me ..

".... was noted as having a gathering style, runs wide, with a loose eye, a little wearing, some barking, a little distraction, some interest and sufficient power for stock, responsive to guidance/control, adjusts position (grouping) and some adjustment (balancing stock)."

Ewe over there, move Ewe!
and Ewe, just keep going or I'll tell you what I think ....

Also heard from Judy from down the Guelph way with her 10+ yr old girl Amber - Ch Shelamo Sure Fire CD - Rocky's sister ... she finished her Rally Novice with 2 top scores of 93 & 94 out of 100.

Great job ladies!!! ... love to hear about your accomplishments, the fun and pride you have in doing things with your shelties.


Kav May 31, 2010 at 7:18 PM  

This is what I've wanted to do with every one of my shelties, but since I don't have a car, it's never been possible.

I was walking my two shelties through the experimental park years ago and stumbled upon their sheep shearing festival. I wasn 't prepared for the strong herding urge that took over my girls when we got close to the fenced in area where some sheep were waiting their turn. Sandy and Keavy went into tandem creep mode and then suddenly took off, their leashes snapping right out of my hand. One dog went right, one dog went left and they somehow managed to herd those sheep into one corner of the corral from outside the fence!!!! The farmer was mighty impressed, though I was mortified. Thankfully he just laughed it off and asked if my dogs wanted a job at the farm. :-)

Shelamo Shelties June 1, 2010 at 9:15 AM  

That was an awesome experience ... doesn't it just make your spine tingle! It did for me yrs ago when I did it with our girl Ditto (a Rocky daughter), she was a natural, and quiet about going about her business. She's on our Other Rings page.

Kav June 1, 2010 at 11:13 AM  

Spine-tingling is a good way to describe it. And odd, how silent they were, like your Ditto. They were dead serious! LOL.

Just checked out your Other Rings section on your website. WOW! Lots of accomplishments. It strikes me anew just how versatile the breed is.

I'm anxious to try out the Paws for Reading program as well. The lad I have now is too much of a tigger for that, but I'm hoping for a future pup with the temperament to sit still for a story. :-)


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