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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What You Find When Cleaning Up File Pics

As I try and get more organized for 2011, especially with all the pics I have on our computer, didn't I come across this one. It just wants me to smooch right thru the fence at these two.
On the left is my 'Rock Man', my soul boy (and I think his face looking back at me says that). He's our 1st Best Puppy In Show winner and our 1st American/Canadian Champion. The blue eyed beauty is "Casino", Ch Shelamo Burleigh Casino Rama CD, CGN ... Mike's heart throb girl.

Now tell me how old do you think these two are??? I'll post their ages later, I think you'll be surprised.

As I work thru my pics, (quite a few from client's too) I'll post some of my FAVS over the coming weeks (might end up being months).


Kav January 6, 2011 at 5:38 PM  

Gorgeous pic...I'm guessing they're both around 6 or maybe 7?

Shelamo Shelties January 6, 2011 at 8:12 PM  

Good guess, but nope, quite a bit older; Rocky has a birthday coming up, so I'll keep everyone in suspense till then :)

judyf,  January 7, 2011 at 8:36 PM  

Rocky's litter sister Amber lives with us, as does Casino's son Clipper (sired by Rocky). No cheating allowed on the age "guess-timates". Let's just say that Rocky and Casino are both eligible for the Veterans Sweeps Class.

Shelamo Shelties January 8, 2011 at 9:25 AM  

Hard to believe, eh Judy! And both Amber & Casino got their obed CD's while in their 'older' yrs.


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