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Canine Sense - Did You Know

Check out these articles by Dr. Stanley Coren (BC, Canada) Canine Corner

Thursday, March 6, 2014

CRUFTS 2014 - Various Events Are Now Youtube

Crufts - Youtube - Live

The above link will take you to all kinds of events going on right now at the World's Largest Dog Show.

Get inspired!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Flicka Search Continues

As I posted on my Facebook Page ... Sunday, March 2, 2014

Flicka search update. Wish I had good news that she has been found, however a lot of searching, talking, walking thru fresh snow fields, analyzing paw prints in the snow, asking her 1/2 brother Harley to move thru snow, go up hills of snow (to compare tracks), all in an effort to figure out her paths and where she could hide out, find food, make animal friends, and keep warm. Pictured is just one barn we checked out. A good warm place to stay! A night motion sensor has been relocated. Thanks to Susan, Anne & hubby 'muffin', Michelle, Karin, Peter and bud Piper, and Marylou with Harley for their efforts today.

The weather needs to be more co-operative!  This long COLD snap, and a few terrible snow days and then a big thaw/rain, hasn't made getting into areas, driving the roads, any easier.

Ch Shelamo Sands Of Time

PLS share this link with all your friends and family, as you just don't know who knows who that might be in the area and spot this, dark sable sheltie.  Thanks.

In the meantime, enjoy this inspirational video, and believe!

Ricochet - the Surf dog


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