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Check out these articles by Dr. Stanley Coren (BC, Canada) Canine Corner

Monday, October 19, 2020

Shelties - Ottawa & Area

Been awhile since I last posted since we moved 4 years ago.  I no longer maintain our website.

I do however get regular requests for puppies, if not from folks wanting ones our old lines, then the names of kennels I know in my area.

My first suggested resource for Ontario in general is to go to the CSSA site and contact the various directors for member referrals.

The local CKC breeders are

Laureate - Kim Aston 

Divine - Linda Labelle 

Kendale - Diane Biggar

Dury Voe - Judy Kelsey

Valley Gem - Bonnie Bird-Pappel

Velvetfog - Anne Brazeau

TLC - Tina King

Sharrow- Margaret Pratt (local resource for rescues)

All have websites, and are on Facebook either by name and/or kennel name.

A little update on me.  I’ve spent more time being able to work at agility with our ‘Ruffles’,  Shelamo Walk On Bi.  Covid has provided me with the time and ability to enjoy this outdoor sport with several classmates.  We’ve obtained 2 Q’s towards our starters jumpers. My first ever agility Q’s!

I was also able to teach Ruffles A bit of water safety, pool entry, and blowing bubbles while bobbing for treats thanks to Linda’s pool and the hot summer days  

I’ve helped breed and whelp two litters this spring, enjoyed outdoor socializing them, and doing puppy pics.

I’ve still been teaching dog obedience with the City of Ottawa however the fall course has now been cancelled due to moving back to a modified stage 2.  Here’s hoping we can reduce our covid numbers for a winter 2021 session. 

Stay safe.  Teach your dog something new that you can use in everyday life.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

2018 Dog Obedience - Ottawa

Ron Kolbus Lakeside Gardens
Graduating Class - Spring 2017
Many dog owners search for dog obedience classes and never find out that the City of Ottawa has several locations that offer it.

Dog obedience continues to be held at the Ron Kolbus Lakeside Gardens Community Centre.

We have a large hall that offers a very secured environment.

You can follow this link to find out dates/times, locations and cost for the winter of 2018.

Could your dog do this?

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Ron Kolbus Cntr- Dog Obedience YEAR 21!

Another year ended with my dog obedience classes at the Ron Kolbus Lakeside Center in Ottawa.  Great fun was had by all.

The Level 2/3 class is progressing very well as dog's are doing sit/down stays with their owners out of sight; heeling off leash; distracted recalls along with drop on recalls.

Level 1 students saw their abilities for over all control improve; we worked on sitting while being greeted and walking nicely on a lead.  We also found time for play sessions, which was especially good for the large breeds to learn how to play nice with the small breeds.  Little Chico taught the large breeds a lot!

Classes commence back for the 21st year, on January 14, 2015 for a full 10 week course.  You can check the info out at

Come out and teach your dog how to be a good neighbour, how to socialize with different breeds; learn how to maintain better control of your dog in all kinds of various situations; some health tips, like preventing snow balls in their feet in the coming months - oh joy! and if nothing more spending one on one time with your dog, indoors (in a safe environment) for one hour a week.  It may just be the work out you and your dog are looking for.

Parking is free! and so are the extra treats :)!
Level 2/3 class dogs
Level 1 dogs
owners, 'mom', and kids learn to help out too!


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas and Feliz Navida

Gijon, Spain, December 1, 2014
We wish all our sheltie friends, and our new found ones in Spain, a Merry Christmas and a great, and prosperous New Year!

Happy training! and may Santapaws be good to all of you.

Shelamo BeDazzle - A New Forever Home

At the end of November this year, we placed the last of our sable breeding lines in a far away country - Spain!  It wasn't without a lot of paperwork through the vets & CFIA, airline planning, and overall timing to get her there, but we did it.

On November 28th, I flew with Dazzle from Ottawa, to Toronto; Toronto to Frankfurt, then on to Madrid.  From there the new owner picked me up and we had more than a 4 hour drive north to a small town, Salas, in the Province of Asturias.  I think Dazzle had more room to stretch out, and time to sleep than I did.  She arrived bright and alert and more than ready for her new adventure.

I traveled with only a carry on - went through 3 security checks - almost like disrobing each time, with the 3rd one in Frankfurt being patted down and having my hair gel taken away :(  Anyone that knows me, this was like having my arm cut off :)!  A lot of walking, especially through the Frankfurt airport.  Man that is a big place! 

 Frankfurt tunnel moving walk-way - and I'm only about 1/2 way through it!
 MBBPIG Shelamo BeDazzle
(pictured at not quite a year old)

We arrived on the Saturday afternoon, and on the Monday traveled about 2.5 hours to a dog show.  Here in Canada we'd call this a CKC Sanction Match (no points, a training ground for all)
line up for one of the groups - in Spain there are some differences, and in this group the Boxers are shown in breed by their colours
 this breed is called the Spanish Alano
 Pastoral Group placements
Ana with her male sheltie, Pt JrCh PPW14 I’m Small Diamond Lohrien, came 2nd
the White German Shepherd was 3rd, a colour not approved in Canada
 the Czech Wolf Dog, not seen here in Canada
and if it wasn't enough that Dazzle traveled all this way, she was also entered in the show!
Here she is at the end of the day, competing with Ana's boy in Brace competition.  Neither of them had ever been trained as a brace team ... and look at them showing together!  Dazzle never missed a beat.

On the Monday, Ana and her mother took me to Cudillaro, a quaint town on the Bay of Biscay, where I was bound and determined to touch the water!
Altho we had a high of 15C, it was overcast, drizzling at times, and certainly foggy in many areas of higher elevation during my stay.
 scenic town of Cudillero
 near Cudillero
the northern landscape reminded me of our Gatineau hills area, and the Madrid landscape very similar to our open field areas where there might be cow pastures, or corn/hay fields.
 view of the Playa De San Lorenzo
 this is what the beach would look like in the summer time!  I've seen pictures with even more people.
 Gijon  - all made of wine bottles by the Playa De San Lorenzo
old part of Gijon - cobble stone like roads and all the lower windows had security bars on them
in Gijon by the port, a view of what would have been their fortress (best I can find dating back to the 15th century), it so reminded me of our Old Fort Henry in Kingston
Eligio del Horizonte--Praise of the Horizon--located at Cerro de Santa Catalina, sculpted by Eduardo Chillida from concrete in 1990.
Home from our tour on the Monday, I was 'screeched in', only in the Spanish way!  It's an apple wine, poured from the bottle into a wide glass at a distance, and you drink it in one go.  It was SO tasty, I asked for a second glass.

Ana's mom enjoyed the Ice Wine I brought.  We enjoyed the tastes that are special to each of us.

Tuesday, saw us traveling back to Madrid as I was leaving early on the Wednesday morning, traveling the same route back home.

It was certainly a fast trip, and bitter sweet.
 Ana Busto (Astur Shelties), Dazzle & I the morning I left to head back to Madrid

We are hoping for the pitter patter of little paws come the new year ... Dazzle just did everything right, including coming into season while I was there!

We wish Ana the best of luck with Dazzle in not only producing pups that she can carry on with, but also as an agility star once (hopefully) motherhood is over with.


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