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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Ron Kolbus Cntr- Dog Obedience YEAR 21!

Another year ended with my dog obedience classes at the Ron Kolbus Lakeside Center in Ottawa.  Great fun was had by all.

The Level 2/3 class is progressing very well as dog's are doing sit/down stays with their owners out of sight; heeling off leash; distracted recalls along with drop on recalls.

Level 1 students saw their abilities for over all control improve; we worked on sitting while being greeted and walking nicely on a lead.  We also found time for play sessions, which was especially good for the large breeds to learn how to play nice with the small breeds.  Little Chico taught the large breeds a lot!

Classes commence back for the 21st year, on January 14, 2015 for a full 10 week course.  You can check the info out at

Come out and teach your dog how to be a good neighbour, how to socialize with different breeds; learn how to maintain better control of your dog in all kinds of various situations; some health tips, like preventing snow balls in their feet in the coming months - oh joy! and if nothing more spending one on one time with your dog, indoors (in a safe environment) for one hour a week.  It may just be the work out you and your dog are looking for.

Parking is free! and so are the extra treats :)!
Level 2/3 class dogs
Level 1 dogs
owners, 'mom', and kids learn to help out too!




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