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Canine Sense - Did You Know

Check out these articles by Dr. Stanley Coren (BC, Canada) Canine Corner

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What's Your Dog Doing This Winter?

It's more often cold here in Ottawa through the months of January-March and for many humans & their dogs, time outside gets limited. Why not get inside for an hour a week? get some mental stimulation for your dog, exercise, socialization and great bonding time. You're dog will become so excited when they learn about that last turn towards their dog obedience class! They'll learn when those 'special' clothes come out, the treats/bag, maybe that special training lead/collar.

There is never a time one shouldn't take the time to 'train' and keep your dog's mind active. Classes can teach you so much more each and every time as there is no end to both you and your canine learning, or reinforcing some of those things you've been lax on.

In the City of Ottawa there are many community centres that offer various levels of dog obedience classes. You can follow this link, put in dog obedience in the advanced search area & click on ALL to see where they are being held & what night. Level 1 courses are for dogs old enough to have received their rabies vaccination.

Classes start SOON - starting next week! So considering it and signing up quickly is necessary.

My Level 1 class @ Howl-o-ween at the Glen Cairn Community Centre in Kanata

Questions - send me an email!



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