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Canine Sense - Did You Know

Check out these articles by Dr. Stanley Coren (BC, Canada) Canine Corner

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

City of Ottawa - Dog Obedience

Whatcha doing with your puppy/dog this spring?  Have you considered spending just one hour a week in a dog obedience class?  Spending some one-on-one time, and teaching them some of the basics to become good neighbourhood canine citizens?

Or do you just want to hone your skills that you've already taught them? and make sure you're not contributing to unwanted behaviours?

The City of Ottawa offers several locations/nights where you can do just that.

Check it out - .... follow links for Register or start here ... - and plug in April 1, 2013, and search on dog obedience.
How good is your RECALL?
 If weather is good - we train outdoors - dogs doing long sit/downs
 Dress up days - you never know when you'll have to put something on your dog!
 ever think your dog would sit still beside another? with practice & distractions they can!



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