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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Shelamo's Party Pack ROMC - IN MEMORIAM

(May 21, 1998 - July 13, 2014)

It is with a heavy heart that we said good-bye to our dear "Opal" late Sunday evening.  She told it was time she crossed the bridge, so we peacefully helped her.

She was the foundation of most of our sable lines, producing either herself or through her kids many Best Puppy In Show winners, Reserve Best In Show winner, American Champion, class winner at the ASSA National, and many obedience and agility titled offspring.  She was our first Register of Merit Canadian, with 6 Canadian Champion offspring.  Maybe the best of all, is the pleasure her kids have given to our oh so many clients.

She was the best 'easy keeper' a breeder could have.  An easy whelper of 5-6 pups in each litter and the greatest of mothers.  She always wanted to please, even when the days came that her hearing went.

Mike and I will miss her wanting her bum rubs, her ears that never left the top of her head, and reminding us when cookies were due.

Many thanks to Amanda and Mark, and tech Ellen of the Mississippi Mills Animal Hospital for the 16+ years of excellent care they've given her.
 pictured above shown as a veteran at a CC&SSA show 2009 
 "Opal" and son "Rocky" January 2014
"Opal"  May 2014
Thank-you Mary Lou for helping me take these special pictures of her. And to Nancy (owner of an "Opal"grandson) for suggesting this lovely park in Ottawa to do the photo-shoot.
"Opal" in her later years found lots of time for sleeping on various beds
Food time you say?
 "Rocky" and "Opal" as they enjoyed snoozing on the deck
~mother like son~

Am sure "Rocky" you were there to meet your mom and show her how much fun you continue to have

So this is where we part, My Friend,
And you'll run on, around the bend.
Gone from sight, but not from mind,
new pleasures there you'll surely find.

I will go on; I'll find the strength,
Life measures quality, not its length.
One long embrace before you leave,
Share one last look, before I grieve.

There are others, that much is true,
But they be they, and they aren't you.
And I, fair, impartial, or so I thought,
Will remember well all you've taught.

Your place I'll hold, you will be missed,
The fur I stroked, the nose I kissed.
And as you journey to your final rest,
Take with you this...I loved you best.

-Jim Willis-


Shelamo Shelties July 25, 2014 at 10:47 AM  

thank you for your kind comments. I am still jumping out of bed each morn to run down and let her out asap :( Will take awhile before it is no longer an automatic response.


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