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Friday, May 29, 2009

Agility - Day 1/3 - Speedy Shelamo Dogs

This weekend in Ottawa there is a large agility competition, which we're proud to have 3 of our dogs competiting in. Today I was able to be ring side to see one round of Jack & Tic flying through the course.

Tic going easy up the A-frame.

And then Tic comes FLYING out of the tunnel ... it was hard to follow her and not miss capturing a moment she was SO fast. Look at the stretch in the one back leg as she corners for the next jump ... ouch!Heading home to the finish line. I'm not sure who will make it there 1st, Jack or Tic???

Am hoping this rainy weather breaks as the grass was slippery, mud ankle deep in some areas & rivers of water running thru many of the competitors tents. Dogs tho didn't seem to be complaining, many were mud up to their bellies. Hopefully I'll be there again when the other 2 have their runs.



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