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Canine Sense - Did You Know

Check out these articles by Dr. Stanley Coren (BC, Canada) Canine Corner

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New Flooring - Bit Of This Bit Of That

This past weekend was spent putting our "Canine Suite" back together. We needed extra muscles, to say the least! Besides all the computer 'stuff', filing cabinets, bookcase, a fridge and freezer, a couch, Mike & I couldn't do it ourselves ... age you know.

Here's what our living room & kitchen looked like through-out the renos.

Friday evening, Saturday & Sunday we enlisted help. Here is the start of our computer room with Travis doing the connecting under the desks. Time, nor trying to find where I'd set the camera didn't lend itself to taking many more.

Sunday our 2 nephews helped. Once done, it was puppy play time. Alexander holding the Trixie pups that were 3 wks old.My sister & her husband came out for dinner; Karen with the bi-black girl and her 'look-alike' stuffed dog. OK, the stuffed one has a bit more white!
Last night, now just over 3 wks, the pups got to christen the new floor in the puppy room. That's a back end slipping, not an 'accident' happening.



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