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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas With Our Family

Here's a bit of our life during the Xmas Season, with some of our traditions.

Our Christmas tree is simple at our home. We started a tradition in 1999 with this small table tree and each year we place another bow with the newest dogs that are with us. Over the years we've received some sheltie decorations so they also go on this tree. There are two shelties at the top, one with wings. I'm slowly running out of room where the lights don't show thru as well.

Our Shelamo Sheltie Xmas tree
At my sister's here's their boy Hudson's water bowl

Christmas Eve, it's been a long tradition where we spend the evening at my mom's. This year my sister made a yummy seafood chowder ... loads of lobster and scallops .. YUM.
Christmas day we all get together at my sister's - open presents, stockings and enjoy a turkey dinner. This yr we think the butcher mixed up the lb # of the turkey .. instead of a 23lb one, we had a 32 lb one! if nothing more a lot more skin for us to fight over this yr - that's a family tradition too ... the piranha's come out at this time of yr :)

Hudson helping mom with her gifts
Mike got his FAV hockey team Ottawa Senators summer jacket.
Connor always plays Santa - the old blinking hat failed last year so I went searching for a new one. They weren't easy to find ... it was at Dollarama that I got this one, go figure.
Alexander got his FAV NFL Chicago Bear's #54 shirt and cap! Happy kid he was.
We usually take a dog or two over. Here's Wilf (my mother's husband) spending some time with Pumpkin while he waits for dinner to be put together. Dinner usually consists of the standard turkey & gravy, fried up sweet potatoes (YUM), my broccoli/cauliflower casserole & mashed potatoes. Dessert now has become a large variety of cookies my sister gathers thru cookie exchanges & fund raisers, with coffee/tea, along with two types of Christmas pudding. Mom has one style she's made for as long as I can remember, and then there's a 2nd topping that brother-in-law Al's mom always made (from NFLD). That seems enough by the time we're all done feasting.
Xmas time now isn't complete unless the 2 boys are playing in a hockey tournament which was on Tuesday. Mike, Mom & I were able to get to Connor's final game where they won the tournament 6-2. Connor is #14. Alexander who plays goalie, was playing at a different location, unfortunately we didn't get to see his games. I hear they didn't win the finals.

New Years is just around the bend ... it's hard to believe that it will almost be 11 years that we all feared our computers would die, phone lines would go, we'd loose electricity, anything with a computer chip that was dated would go ... and what, nothing happened that 'stopped' the world! we've continued on as if nothing happened.


Kav December 31, 2010 at 7:31 AM  

Love your sheltie tree! And the Santa outfit on Hudson! I'm doggie-sitting a yorkie for the week. Amazed at the difference between terrier and herder! Simba and I have spent the days rolling our eyes at each other over the antics of little Bear. Talk about high energy!


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