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Monday, February 27, 2012

Teaching Brownies Responsible Dog Ownership

I am a bit behind in updating our Blog ... time has just gotten away on us these past few weeks with various events.

On Feb 8/12 we took several adults, 14 wk old girls & 2 8 wk old puppies to visit a Brownie group to give a talk on dogs, their care & how to properly approach them. Hopefully they will all be able to get their Pet Badge.

The two Trixie pups, Journey (l) & Disco (r) were immediately scooped up by two of the leaders.
The Brownies were taught how to properly approach puppies. Here's one girl with our Mocha.
Our two adults, Harley & Chinook giving the girls experience greeting older dogs.
Time for the pups to join a circle. We taught especially quite feet, quiet voices and to allow pups to come to them. Journey eventually took it into his paws to work at pulling on shoe laces!At the end Gem & Mocha spent more time socializing. All the girls left with a gift of a Proplan picture booklet. Something to remember their evening.



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