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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Monster Cute Photo Contest

 'Think we're working hard enough?'
 'Yum, I think we did it Kona!'

Timbit (Rescued Sheltie) and Kona (Dakota x Flirt litter) are working on making honey.

They've been entered in the PetsMart Monster Cute Photo Contest and if they win the owners will donate a portion to Southern Ontario Sheltie Rescue to help more shelties in need.

Please go vote here if you're on Facebook - and every day if you can!

after that photo shoot it was time to relax,

owners & pictures - Rachel & Matt Davidson

(PS  just another reason for obedience classes!   great sit/stays for pics like this)


Kav October 10, 2012 at 2:28 PM  

LOL -- love the costumes. Wonder if they made them or if they bought them? My old guy is funny. If you put him in a costume he just freezes until you take it off him so it's easy to get pictures! I don't know if he likes to pose in his fancy duds or if he's purely mortified and is making a stand. Either way, it makes for great picture taking moments.

Love that there's a rescue sheltie in the mix too. I stalk their site all the time! :-)

Shelamo Shelties October 11, 2012 at 12:05 PM  

Think they were bought. Not uncommon for dogs to 'freeze' when something is put on them. That is why in my dog class we do a nite of 'dress up'. One yr we went to a breeder's Halloween party and I dressed a pup up as a grape vine. Pinned a bunch of purple balloons to a shirt. Took me a week of 'training' him with one on at a time, but he was the hit of the party! Strangely none of the other pups were frightened of all his bouncing balloons :)

Kav October 15, 2012 at 2:56 PM  

Oh my gosh, you're lucky one of the balloons didn't pop!!!! LOL. My other sheltie (died of cancer) loved dressing up. Without a costume she had the usual sheltie reserve, but put a hat or wings on her and she became the life of the party! She'd waltz up to anyone and everyone and preen.

Pippa Sheltie October 29, 2012 at 1:53 PM  

Great blog, cute photos!
Take a look at my sheltie dog blog at:


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