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Canine Sense - Did You Know

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Monday, November 19, 2012

OKC Show - Yoyo and Cocoa Do Us Proud

We attended the OKC show here in Ottawa this past weekend, after a hiatus this summer.  There are some new competitions, one being a Baby Puppy (pups 3-6 months of age), and a Bred By Exhibitor Competition (must be the breeder and the handler).

On the Friday we showed our baby puppy "Yoyo", and all three days in the classes our "Cocoa", and were proud at how they did.
 Shelamo Yakima V By Ruffleith
(MBPIG Ch Ruffleith's Barolo DiRiondo x MBPIG Ch Shelamo Riding The Wind)
co-owned with Penny Woodruff
"Yoyo" won Best Baby Puppy in Group
(add by Penny on Sheltie Strut)

Shelamo A Moment Of Tyme
(Ch Shelamo Sugar Rush x Ch Shelamo Tyme Descends)
Was Reserve Winners on Friday, and then Best of Winners on Saturday & Sunday to start her on her way to her Championship.
(pictured with judge Mr Luiz Ribas Silva)



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