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Canine Sense - Did You Know

Check out these articles by Dr. Stanley Coren (BC, Canada) Canine Corner

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Ottawa Area - Animal Emergency

This just in .... especially for those of you in the east end of the Ottawa area.
Should you find your pet in an urgent situation after regular business hours, the Ottawa Carleton Veterinary Emergency Hospital can provide after hours emergency veterinary care. The hospital is a brand new, state of the art facility that was formed from a partnership between 26 Ottawa area veterinary clinics.  The hospital is open to all members of the public on Monday to Friday from 6pm-8am and 24 hours on weekends and holidays. 

Please go to

for additional information.
1155 Lola St
Unit 203
Ottawa Ont
K1K 4C1

Best landmark is the Ottawa Baseball stadium at the 417/174 split.



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