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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Point Change by 1 - back to the classes - Now a New Champion!

Once you thought you knew it all, you learn something new.  This year as been the strangest for point errors, omissions, events out of every one's control ... that has made for several people I know going back to figure out their points, or continue on in the classes to gain the 10 points needed for a Canadian Championship.

It happened to us with our girl Shelamo Rais'n The Bar this past summer.  So, at the Cornwall Dog Show this past weekend, back to the classes we went.  On Friday we finished her with a Winners Female/Best of Opposite Sex.  YAH WHOOOO!  I will say this is pending CKC confirmation.
finishing under judge P. Pancel, over a special
the following day, under respected breeder judge Joann Pavey,
Best of Opposite over a Special for her 1st Grand Champion Point
with thanks, photo by Jane Maclaren
Last day, she was Best of Opposite again under judge Thora Brown
on the way home we stopped at Upper Canada Village and took a few pics
(albeit very hot & humid)

(photos taken by ML Davidson)

(Am/Cdn Ch Reinmaur's Firecraker ROMC x Shelamo Seriously Sinful)



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