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Monday, August 9, 2010

New Home For Trey

One of our Bliss's boy has found his way into the hearts of Pauline & Joe from the Toronto area. Here are 2 pictures they sent me.

as Pauline wrote to me the day after .... "Trey managed the long trip home very well. ... We played for a few minutes and then he was off to bed until 7am. ... No messes in the house thus far! (that was on Sun). .. Trey loves the backyard and we love Trey! Thank-you for everything Maureen. I was so happy today that I cried."It is so nice to get these warm fuzzy emails from our new puppy clients.

To know I'm a vector to add the joy of owning, and enjoying a life with my breed, the Sheltie, is something that makes my heart sing.


Kav August 9, 2010 at 9:12 PM  

Trey is adorable!!!! And it looks like he's already fetching. At least, I think that's a ball in his mouth.

judyf,  August 10, 2010 at 7:04 AM  

Of your 8 pups still at home, how many are you "growing out" for potential show prospects? With so many to choose from, there should be at least a few (even one or two) that look like point winners.

Shelamo Shelties August 10, 2010 at 11:11 AM  

A lot of the pups have been carring their toys ... hopefully some UD dogs in this mix.

Judy, am getting more picky in what I want to keep, and with more males than females, it made choices even harder.


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