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Monday, September 20, 2010

Sudbury Road Trip

Sudbury - The Big Nickel

This past weekend, Marylou, my mom and I went up to Sudbury, specifically to attend the Purina Puppy Classic & 3 days of the regular dog show. This is our 3rd year qualifying for the Puppy Classic. This year we had BPIS Ch Shelamo's Riding The Sky HIC that qualified, and I also showed Penny Woodruff's boy BPIG Ruffleith's Barolo Di Rionda. This event was held on Friday night.
BPIS Ch Shelamo's Riding The Sky HIC in the Purina Puppy Classic

BPIG Ruffleith's Barolo Di Rionda in the Purina Puppy Classic

"Whistler" won a Group 3rd placement!

Saturday afternoon after the regular show we headed to an outlet and shopped! Figure we spent some 2 hours going thru racks of clothes. Dangerous place for 2 women :) That took us to the dinner hour where we enjoyed an all you could eat FEAST at the Red Lobster. OH boy! did I stuff myself. The sun was close to setting so we headed up to the Big Nickel which I hadn't seen for some 10+ yrs, Marylou had never seen that area ... the barren landscape that once looked like the moon has now been allowed to grow with many areas being reforested & grassed over ... what a lovely sunset.

We were back at it early Sunday morning, where "Whistler" took Best of Breed.Really didn't take my camera out to capture many other moments ... other than this one ... Rio doing his high jumping act while meals were being prepared by the handler next to us. He can also 'table surf' as we found out in the hotel room.

Hey ... over here ... what about ME???!!!


Linda September 20, 2010 at 10:32 PM  

Love the picture of Rio! Are you sure his name isn't Jumping Bean? Penny better put him in agility with leaps like that!

Kav September 21, 2010 at 8:31 AM  

LOL-- that last picture is a hoot. All four paws off the floor! Way too cute.

Shelamo Shelties September 21, 2010 at 10:39 AM  

He can sure spring let me tell you when food, or any other smell is in whiffing distance.


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