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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Saying Good-bye

It is never easy to say good-bye. And when it's a long time client, whose dogs call your home their 2nd home, it breaks our hearts as much as theirs. This gal was just here for a short stay a month ago.

On April 6th, Ceilidh @ 14 1/2 yrs of age, feel asleep peacefully after a short battle of extreme kidney failure.

Opps ... sorry I woke you dear ...
Ceilidh at our previous house, always enjoyed laying in our bay window

pictured after a day the girls spent here at the spaw, in 2007
Ceilidh on the left with her other house mates, Sassy & Teegan

You were a joy to have here and we'll miss you dearly. Am sure some of our dogs that went before you were there to greet you at the Rainbow Bridge.


Linda April 7, 2011 at 11:40 PM  

My sympathy to her people. They leave a hole in our hearts when they say good-bye. It is never long enough.

Kav April 8, 2011 at 7:44 AM  

I extend my sympathy as well. No one but another 'dog' person can truly understand grieving this kind of loss.


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