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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Motorcycling Sheltie

It's that time of year when motorcycle people hit the roads, head out touring ... but ... there's a difference with this family ... towing behind in his own little custom made trailer is a SHELTIE!!! Yes, it's Casey! Turning heads, stopping to take his picture ... Shelamo Autumn Dream, a son of our Shelamo Tia Maria, sired by our BPIS Ch Shelamo Changing Winds.

He came in today for his spring tune-up - a full wash down, suds up, shine up (and trimming the edges).

He's loaded and ready to hit the road.
off they go ... their trip this year is to head to NB, NS, the Cabot Trail and PEI ... so if you're in that vicinity watch for the Motorcycling Sheltie.

His travels will be on Facebook, so if you contact me there, I'll tell you where to find him.


Kav June 14, 2011 at 7:58 AM  

I think Casey should writer his memoirs...or a children's picture book!


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