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Monday, April 16, 2012

Black to Go Please!

Fun and enjoyable weekend at the Petawawa Dog Show. It was a Timmies weekend you might say, and thank-you to those that did the constant runs.

We took out our Bi-Black girl Shelamo She's Got Moxi. She is now getting the hang of showing! Proud to say she came away with a RWB one day and yesterday Winners Bitch, under a judge I respect - Dr Robert Smith from Va, USA. We've shown 2 dogs to him 2 other times - one was when he gave our BPIS Am/Cdn Ch Shelamo's Prospector a reserve at one of his 1st US shows handled by Dr Sherry Lee in 2002,

"Rocky" at just 21/2 yrs of age - was already a BPIS Cdn Ch
he finished in just 13 shows in the competitive Eastern US circuit

and the other was in 2009 with our MBPIB Ch Shelamo Riding The Wind taking a 4pt win against 10 other females
"Moxi" - taking a break outside as we wait for judge's pictures
a moment of 'what's that?'
this one I just love!
the sun shows off her black coat - and how square this girl plants her feet
(BPIS Am/Cdn Ch Lynphil Designer Guy x Gralochs Blueberry Tart)


Kav April 17, 2012 at 1:12 PM  

Beautiful pictures -- especially of Moxi. I had a bi-black and it's so hard to get a good shot. I have lots of black blobs with glowing eyes. LOL. But my dad managed a few really wonderful ones and she looks alot like Moxi. And congrats to Moxi for doing you proud!


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