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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Weekend Play Time

The two pups went on a 'bunny hop' run yesterday.

Revil trying to make his legs go faster to keep up with Disco
Ruffleith's CC Revival that we co-own with Penny Woodruff
Disco - Shelamo Discovery - Weeeee!!!! Coming at ya mom!

You called mom?
like this one of Revil with the sun showing through his guard hairs
Maybe she won't see me here?
Revil still on the chase
Disco - hippy hop - off we go!
OK, Disco? where'd ya go???
Happy Easter Everyone!


Kav April 9, 2012 at 7:18 PM  

Wow, great action shots! I'd forgotten those hippity-hop moves of sheltie youthdom! Gorgeous pups!

And hey -- I gave my old boy a spring haircut and now he looks like your pups!

Linda April 9, 2012 at 7:49 PM  

looks like they had a ball out there! My pups have really enjoyed the early spring weather. Pure dog joy on their faces eh?

Shelamo Shelties April 11, 2012 at 10:49 AM  

Did you check out the link on my grooming page? on doing the shorter coat trim for the older dogs? Donna describes it well.

Linda - yes they ran and ran - wasn't sure if they'd end their hide/seek chase game!


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