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Monday, February 8, 2010

Fire Destroys our Local CJOH TV Station

(viewer's picture)

I couldn't believe it!! Hearing this morning that the TV station I grew up to know, CJOH, had a fire in the wee hours of the morning destroying everything.

They started to broadcast on March 12, 1961 @ noon.

It was located not but a few miles from where I lived from 1961 thru to just 13 yrs ago when we moved further out to the country; we watched the roads expand to where it was established; walking to the Dairy Queen across the street with my girl friend Valerie, my sheltie Kraker-jak and her Beagle Snoopy for a Sunday ice cream cone was a favourite trip in the summer; it's provided a mainstay for all kinds of local telethons; one of our neighbours started her career in television there; in the late 60's I participated doing a small sit/down demo, representing the 'young ones' that took dog obedience with the long standing Bytown Dog Obedience Club in one of their local programs called Uncle Willy & Floyd; a programe called Regional Contact was almost removed from the air several years ago but the uproar of the community brought it back ... that show goes around our Ottawa Valley highlighting all aspects of people which included a segment on one of our local sheltie breeders, Helen Latulippe, Nuhope Kennels and an artisan in glass blowing Chris VanZanten who I knew just after high school & is the one that made our solid cherry coffee table, birds-eye maple end table and hanging lamp to match - yes that was in his earlier days in learning different arts - like the early 80's!

Ironically, there was a program called Family Brown Country ... a family singing group ... and it just so happens that Mike now works with one of them. It was on "You Can't DO That On Television" that Alanis Morissette made her first television appearance ... who'd of thunk it!

Barry Brown today (xmas 2009) of 'The Family Brown'
Well known country singing family from the Ottawa Valley.

The news anchor Max Keeping, just months away from retirement and his co-host Carol-Anne Meehan still put on the 6:00pm news today.

WOW .... Scary .... memories ... gone in a flash!


Pennylynn February 10, 2010 at 10:58 AM  

Yup. A very sad day indeed.

judyf,  February 10, 2010 at 11:40 AM  

My parents lived east of Cornwall from about 1967-77, and always considered CJOH their "local" TV station. Do you think they will rebuild on the same site?

Shelamo Shelties February 11, 2010 at 2:44 PM  

Nothing yet stated, but general talk since they are part of the A Channel, they will tear down the building in the 'Market' and rebuild to house all of them. As of yesterday they were still trying to secure the tower so investigations/entry could be established.


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