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Friday, February 5, 2010

Westminster Kennel Dog Show

If you're a dog lover and have never watched the exhaling Kennel Dog Show (est. in 1877), it is a two evening event I highly recommend you watch. The commentary is excellent, and you'd be amazed at what you learn about the different breeds. Everything from what type of owner is best for them, to why they may have a cropped tail, why you can grab a West Highland White Terrier's tail by the base and it's OK, to special grooming tips, and why the breeds were bred like they are in the 1st place. Also, watch the handling, how the handler handles the lead, and the 'click' you'll see between dog and handler.

If you're a Dog Whisperer fan, you will have heard him talk over and over about the collar being high up behind the dog's ears, with a couple of his shows explaining why this technique is used in the show world.

The Herding group sees 3 new breeds that are now accepted. One is the Pyrenean Shepherd ... it comes in two different coat types; have a look as one of the coat types has a facial resemblance of our sheltie.

The dates are Monday Feb 15th (3 Groups + Herding Group) & 16th (3 Groups + Best in Show), both starting @ 8pm. If you're on the Bell Express Vu system, it's being televised on Animal Planet, 525.

You can view the individual Breed judging on-line @ the Westminster Kennel Club's website. Also we have 2 of our own Ottawa area judges that have been chosen to judge at this prestigious show ... Mr James Reynolds (he had the honours in 2006 to judge Best In Show -he put up a Bull Terrier - ironically just after our Ontario BSL came into effect) and Shirley Limoges.

Sit back with your pooch and enjoy a great evening of all things dog!


Unknown February 5, 2010 at 9:13 PM  

Having watched this on TV for many years I am finally going to BE THERE!!! So thankful NY is having the 'storm of the century' this weekend and not next!

Shelamo Shelties February 7, 2010 at 9:17 AM  

Jane ... considering, what it was last yr they got socked in with snow ?? I bet SO many people will be pleased to arrive in, hopefully, SUNSHINE and cleared streets ... Pack your bags and ENJOY!

judyf,  February 7, 2010 at 12:47 PM  

One of the other "new" breeds in the Herding group is the Norwegian Buhund. My obedience trainer Marie has two of these, so she is anxiously waiting to see the breed representative in the group competition.

Shelamo Shelties February 7, 2010 at 1:25 PM if doing the link like this works, they've been in the our Group for a few yrs now; there is one presently that is ranked #11in Grp 7 so far this yr.

judyf,  February 10, 2010 at 11:46 AM  

Yes, Buhunds have been accepted in the CKC for several years, now, but this is their first year to be accepted by the AKC. Same thing for Red and White Setters, 10 years in the CKC, but first year for the AKC. I learned this today from people in my obed. class.


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