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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Puppies - Dealing With This Heat

It hasn't been easy with these 2 litters of 14 to get them outside for some romp time, new sights, new sounds, new feelings under food, with this awful 40+C humidex weather. Luckily their play pen on the deck doesn't see full, beating down sun till around 12:30, so with some extra work I can keep them somewhat cool till then when they have to come in.

I make sure the deck is watered down, wet towels are down, shade tarp is dampened and their water bucket is full.

I did this on Monday ... it was time everyone had a bath. So I brought out 2 buckets of warm water, my shampoo bottle, and filled their baby bath up with cool water. One by one I dunked each puppy in the bucket, shampooed them up, rinsed, another dunk in the cooler tub water and a quick slick squeegeed off.

Hummm ... something new here, wonder what mom has up here sleeve ... ????Checking a little further in ...

By the time I was finished I was too pooped to take any more pics. They all settled in on the damp towels and snoozed for a good hour. Then it was time to come in.

Here's part of the group taken mid morning today. Lunch was served, a little bit of time to do their business and now they are in for a nap.


Kav July 7, 2010 at 4:56 PM  

Okay, the lineup at the water pail is way too cute!!!! I want a puppy!!!!!! It's killing me, reading this posts but I love it.

Took away some tricks from this post (as always). I've been mulling over ways to keep my dog cool since I don't have air conditioning. I take him out periodically and let him 'kill' the hose. Once he gets that out of his system, I put it on mist and shower him. I also make him frozen peanunt kongs and I wet a wash cloth, wring it out and freeze it and he gnaws on that for a while. Even resorted to chicken broth ice cubes (yum!) But all those don't have a real lasting effect.

I love the idea of wetting down a towel. I've just done that and lay it out on the bathroom floor and he made a beeline for it. Did the whole pawing and circling thing and then just flopped. He's fast asleep now and seems much more at rest then he has in days. So thank you for that!!!!

Unknown July 8, 2010 at 8:38 AM  
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Unknown July 8, 2010 at 8:39 AM  

Great work for taking care so many puppies. In my area the weather is aslo awful same as yours these days. :)

Shelamo Shelties July 8, 2010 at 2:05 PM  

You've got some good ideas. Glad my wet towel comment is helping in this awful heat and it doesn't look like much relief in sight.


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