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Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Hay Day for 14 Pups

With these 2 litters of 14 pups, now 6wks of age they are certainly keeping us hopping. We purchased this Precision pen when out in Saskatoon and it's really been put to good use. Once the pen area has been hosed and disinfected, and somewhat dried - all depending on weather and timing ... the pups get hauled out two by two to spend some quality time outdoors.

Hosed and almost ready for the pups
Gang is all out.
The play fights begin.

How many pups can you get in a Kiddy's bath tub?

The Bath tub

I, I mate ... what do you see???

HEY! You're not to look that far down ....Whopps!!

Could add a bunch more but ... gotta get back to the rest of the gang and do some client grooming ... puppies ... too much fun, too much distraction ....
And have a special Birthday Event tonight, so no more farting around time.


Kav July 3, 2010 at 1:55 PM  

Okay, I'm exhausted just thinking about fourteen puppies!!!!! I thought having two at a time was hard. Obviously I didn't have a clue. LOL.

Looks like you have a canopy over part of your pen which gives me the bright idea of doing the same thing over my front steps. My dog sits out there and supervises me when I'm working in the front garden (I have it gated at the bottom) but there's no relief from the sun so I'm always worried about him getting too much. Never thought of throwing something over the railings before. Thanks for the idea. :-)

Shelamo Shelties July 3, 2010 at 2:32 PM  

As a breeder you invest in quality items that help make raising puppies like this easier. Inside we have 2 pens for them, one is light white tubing, it's called a Rover x-pen. We bought it yrs ago(maybe 2000) at an ASSA Specialty, just LOVE it! Well worth the heafty price tag. We use tarps everywhere, and especially as shows .. never leave home in the summer without them. The one you see you can wet it to help keep them even cooler. Glad you found something in my post that is new to you and an idea you can follow up with to keep your babies cooler ... it's only going to get hotter with more humidity this week.


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