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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Casper - Gone But Not Forgotten

It was not easy .... this evening my sister Karen, husband Al, boys Connor & Alexander had to make a selfless decision to see their boy Ch Shelamo's Heavenly Ghost, "Casper", go over the Rainbow Bridge.

January 25, 2000 - December 1, 2009
He was diagnosed just within the last few weeks with a very aggressive, rare form of a blood based tumor. This past weekend he started to decline considerably.

"Casper" was an easy going, friendly and intelligent boy, always wanting to be where his family was. He sat at many a football game, soccer game and just loved the camping trips.

He was an ambassador of our breed, to which many of our clients came to us, simply because they had seen the boys with their 'friend' playing in the neighbourhood parks.

He was a grandson of our Ch Watch Out For Black Ice, who was our 1st female with which we started our kennel.

We will deeply miss our "Friendly Ghost".



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