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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Day Of Herding Instinct Testing

It's been some years that I've personally put one of our dogs through a Herding Instinct Test, so when the opportunity came up, and my schedule was clear, Mary-lou and I headed out on Monday to a town east of us called Alfred to test a couple of dogs. It was a lovely day, sunny, a bit cool with the wind, and probably one of the last days to see all the fall colours in their glory.

Mary-lou took her boy Harley and I took our Chinook. Figured after her brother BPIS Ch Shelamo's Riding The Sky HIC could do it so could she.

Harley passed with flying colours, Chinook figured she's just follow behind the sheep as I moved them around the field.

Chinook figuring I'll move the sheep

Chinook still staying with me, at least on the backside of the sheep ... I'm sill doing the work.
Ain't I doing a good job! Sheep did well to at least follow and stay with me.
Harley getting his 1st rear end introduction.

Harley moving the sheep

Harley keeping them together.

Now at least able to upload pics, at least sometimes! New system with all the new stuff is a challenge to have it work like we're used to.


Linda October 13, 2010 at 10:40 PM  

Did the boys get their HIC. I did that once with one of my girls and was amazed at how much instinct these Shelties have with the sheep.

Shelamo Shelties October 14, 2010 at 12:44 PM  

with the new computer am having blog posting issues - so no pics up yet. Harley got his HIC, Chinook was just out for a good look.


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