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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Special Gift - From One To Another

It is certainly a 'gift' that pleases us no end to be able to light up people's lives through shelties, especially of long time customers.

Morgan & Winston - Xmas 2007
(picture from their owners - thanks)

On June 8th it was a sad day for long time clients of ours who had to say good-bye to their boy Winston. He was a faithful friend to their 1st sheltie Morgan who continues to motor at 14 yrs of age! Even tho our contact has been sporadic over these years, Cindy didn't hesitate to make contact with me for advice as they witnessed Winston declining. We've always said, we are always here to help in anyway possible no matter what age of the dog, and I'm glad Cindy & Bob felt comfortable to draw upon that.

Time was needed to grieve his loss, however they quickly realized their lives weren't complete without 2 shelties.

The time was right, and we just happened to have a male from a very lovely litter out of our Chinook that was ready to go this past week.
Dawson, pictured at 7 wks of age
(he is 6 generations down thru Morgan's mother)

And from them ... a lovely fall floral arrangement.


Linda October 20, 2010 at 10:29 PM  

Such a nice ending to a sad story!

Kav October 22, 2010 at 10:56 AM  

It's hard to let go of a dog who has become so entrenched in every aspect of your life. And it's hard for the surviving dog as well. I've always had two shelties and now I'm down to one and we both feel the gap. It's killing me that you have two girls available still, but it just isn't the right time for us yet. I wish it were.

Shelamo Shelties October 22, 2010 at 12:38 PM  

They love their new guy to pieces, as they wrote me ... 'he's filling their hearts with joy!' You'll know when the time is right.


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