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Monday, October 25, 2010


What can we say, our lovely Multi Group Winning girl Ch Shelamo Sugar Shack took at Group 3rd on Saturday, and then topped off Sunday with a Reserve Best In Show from a lovely group line-up at the Belleville Dog Show.

She has been a dream girl from the beginning, obtaining her Championship with a Group 2nd under breeder/judge Denise Cornelsson and a Group 1st under breeder/judge Mark McMillan. She also became Champion #6 for her dam Shelamo's Party Pack ROMC. In the whelping box, she's produced a litter of 4, which 3 are now Champions.

In her last litter she produced our newest hopeful Shelamo Jumping Jelly Bean, who is now well on his way towards his championship, at just over 6 months of age. He also did us proud this past weekend garnering 6pts with 2 BOW/BOS/BPIB. He is co-owned with Jan & Steve Silcox.

Thanks to Penny Woodruff for capturing this moment of mother & son.
"Maple" - Reserve Best In Show

"Jelly Bean"

Yes, he's growing up mom! He's no longer that little fat ball of brown fur, who snuggled & gave you kisses at 5 wks of age. He's now full of himself ... just as his name implies.


Mary Lou October 25, 2010 at 8:50 PM  

Love the photo of the three of you.

Kav October 26, 2010 at 11:21 AM  

Great photos -- the dogs look so proud! And I can't believe the lovely coat Jelly Bean has already -- isn't he under a year? My guy never seemed to get a really thick sheltie coat. He has more of a border collie look to him. We waited years for that full coat in but at eight I guess he's not getting it! LOL.


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