Bliss's Pups Have Arrived
I've been tardy in getting our most recent news of our new litter up ... life with dogs has that way of loosing time.
Last early Wednesday morning, after a long night with Bliss's delivery we had to head to the vet for assistance. We had a large stuck pup coming feet first and I knew I'd exhausted myself, and Bliss to get this pup out. We needed a c-section, without too much time to waist. Ultrasound showed we had slower than normal heart beats on the remaining pups. With many hands on deck, and I mean many! as not only did my girlfriend Marylou spend the night up with me & go to the vets, but Mary-Anne ended up taking that day off work to attend to the crew at home. (yes, if her boss is reading this ~ I can confirm this was her reason for not being there ~ I understand this is a new one for you :) ) Then there was 'take a kid to work day', which I had one coming to the house that day to learn the ins/outs of kennel life, plus there were several at the vet clinic also. Other than the vet, the assistants, the vet tech and the receptionist I totally lost track of who I was handing pups to, asking them to rub them and make them cry, keep them warm, remove wet/dirty towels ... the list went on. I thank all those that stepped in, without time to think, or a drink of their coffee, as they arrived at the clinic with all this going on. In the end, we came home with 3 perky girls.
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