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Saturday, June 20, 2009

A Day At the Kingston Dog Show

It was a 1/2 sunny day here at home, but at the Kingston Dog Show about 1 1/2 hrs away it was a soppy, rainy day. We didn't enter this yr because of our expecting girl Tyme. Since all was well with the litter, Mary-Anne and I ventured down for the afternoon as we knew Penny was showing the 3rd litter mate from her 1st home-bred litter. The other 2 have already finished this past spring. It was certainly worth the trip to see some different shelties. The best part tho .... doesn't Penny win Best of Breed, over a Special to obtain her 1st 5 pts on Rose.Well, we couldn't leave now, just had to root Penny on in the large competitive group ring.
Rose's baiting well and showing those gorgeous ears for the judge, again!

So a few more down and backs, more go arounds and Rose is still holding her own, altho not so sure about Penny, her back is giving out quickly with the slippery, uneven ground. I'm just thinking, Penny stay on your feet, we've already had one sheltie owner take a real good plunge, sliding on his backside in the grass, loosing his boy into the camp grounds, oodles of people going after him ... luckily he was captured in due time and the judge even had him come back into the ring and try to settle him on the table and do another go around.
Now the nerves kick in even more as Penny is pulled in the group for consideration, Rose is still showing her heart out ... rain tickling her ears but she keeps steady. Judge, Jack Ireland points and gives her Group 4th!!! YEAH, Penny & Rose! A GREAT day for Penny, and a well deserved evening rest for all. Hope that glass of wine goes down well .. hee hee ..... good luck tomorrow Penny, my fingers are x'd for you.


Pennylynn June 22, 2009 at 10:06 AM  

What memories!! Thanks Maureen.. this is so cool!

Thanks for your ringside cheers... and you too Mary Anne!

Bettijane June 22, 2009 at 10:04 PM  

Great write up Irene... it was like being there... good job.....


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