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Friday, June 12, 2009

Taking Flight - Eastern Pheobes

They are Eastern Phoebes!!
Thanks to a Shelamo shelties' 'mom', Judy emailed me answering my question on what kind of other 'mother' bird we had nesting in the rafters of our covered kennel area.

I've been watching them over the last week, seeing them get large enough where their heads have been peering over the top of the nest ... think they are getting cramped up there!

This morning I decided they were obviously big enough, and with holding the camera up high, on flash you could see them clearly in a picture.
2 pics later! and I had the 4 baby birds take flight (ya, I figured the camer flash might do it) .... 3 of them flew out over the dog pen towards the laneway, while one headed for the rafters. It ended up taking one more flight towards the last rafter and there it sat while I finished the morning kennel run, hosed down their poop droppings in the dog pen and tended to the front gardens.

5 hrs later, it's found its way to the open forests.
Yes, it's been neat to watch 2 different birds tend to their nests these last few weeks ... however I'm tired of cleaning up behind them too! This 'mother's' entrance always seem to start near the stairs/railing to the front door, and she'd always leave 'presents' there. Not nice!



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