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Monday, September 21, 2009

Sudbury Show Results

Mike and I left last Wednesday to attend the Sudbury Dog Show and especially for the Purina Puppy Classic that was on Saturday night. This was the 2nd time in the 5 years that Purina has put on this event that we qualified for.

We had a super time, met some sheltie breeders for the 1st time, and a great gentleman set up beside us from Wisconsin, showing a Keeshond. In playing catch-up today, I only have time to post our show news ... pics of our trip I'll do over the next couple of days.

We only took our new Ch, Chinook. She had 3 shows left she could be entered in before turning 1 year of age. On the Thursday there were 2 shows and she won Breed and Best Puppy In Breed in both of them. On the Friday was Best of Opposite and BPIB. On Saturday now @ 1 yr old, under Shirley Limoges she took a Group 4th.
Chinook, Group 4 th

In the Purina Puppy Classic, with 4 dogs in the Herding Group, she came 2nd.

Sunday was our travel day home, and TG we did as it was a slow slug through Ottawa bound traffic with several single lane areas due to all the highway & bridge work.


judyf,  September 22, 2009 at 7:50 AM  

Congratulations on your lovely wins with Chinook. Girls are awesome!


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