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Canine Sense - Did You Know

Check out these articles by Dr. Stanley Coren (BC, Canada) Canine Corner

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Missing Blue Merle Sheltie In Ottawa

On Thursday night, March 4, Chrissy took off late at night which is uncommon for her. She went missing in the McKellar Park/Carlingwood area. She is around 10 yrs of age.
Please note that when a sheltie gets lost they tend to go into high flight, and even the friendliest sheltie can 'fear' a friendly person thinking they are trying to help. It is important that you don't 'chase', go after a sheltie 'on the run', but rather sit down, take off your sunglasses, your hat and have a 'tea party' on the ground. Pretend that you see, or have something really neat while speaking in a low, comforting tone. Try not to make eye contact as that is an aggressive 'signal' and only makes them move away faster. If you have a friendly dog, they can sometimes be the best thing to bring them around. Take your time, and if it doesn't work, it is important to make that call to the owners so they have a reference point to work from.

The contact information I have at the moment is. Gail Morriscey, Ottawa, 613-823-1475.

PLS cross-post this Blog link to everyone you know as you just don't know who might be the person that hears about, or sees this girl. I will update this post if I get further contact information.



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