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Friday, May 7, 2010

Ottawa To Saskatoon - CSSA National Road Trip

This will be the start of our blogging of our trip, starting on Apr 24th, arriving back home on May 5th to attend our Cdn Sheltie National Specialty in Saskatoon. Right now I'm only going to cover a few of the highlights as we have to get ready for another local show to attend this weekend.

We travelled from Ottawa thru North Bay & Sudbury, crossing over at Sault Ste Marie.

The bridge crossing to the US side of Sault Ste Marie.

On the second day, following the southern part of Lake Superior it was a slower trek on the way down as we stopped at a few places to see the sites. Above is Mike touching the water of Lake Superior in the Munising area where the Picture Rocks are. Needless to say Rocky wasn't about to put his paw in the water!

We then worked our way, crossing from Michigan, into Wisconsin then into Minnesota, North Dakota and then headed north to the Canadian boarder and into Saskatchewan.

Once into North Dakota the land became flat with the wide open grain fields and silos jutting out at various points.

Late on our 3 rd day we hit Rugby, ND which is the geographical center of the North American continent.
North Dakota and somewhat into the lower portion of Saskatchewan you also see these oil pumps, we kept calling them the 'bobbing water birds'. You would drive for miles/km and not see any and then you'd see small ones, medium and larger ones, in rows across the fields, going up and down.
Then we entered Canada!!! BACK to the land of COFFEE!! Tim Horton's here we come! Almost 3 days of drinking dish washered down coffee was no fun let me tell you. The 1st pot I made I still had to add two teaspoons of instant coffee into my TH mug to make it drinkable.
This is me just across the US/Canada boarder at Portal, Sask. Timmies where the sign says "Welcome Home".

The 3 dogs we took on the trip ... l-r is our BPIS Am/Cdn Ch "Rocky" our 6 mth old tri girl "Tootsi" and our Ch "Tyme" who made the 1st cut of the females in the Best of Breed competition.

We arrived on the Tues, had to rebath the dogs on Wed, especially "Tyme" who had gone down a sink hole in some tall grass where we'd stopped for a potty break (story to come later). The show was from Thurs to Sat, with a seminar on the Sunday. Monday we headed on our trek home.

More to come ....


judyf,  May 7, 2010 at 6:25 PM  

Glad you all made it safely back home from your big adventure. That's a lot of driving!

Kav May 15, 2010 at 8:40 AM  

Wow, when you said you were going to Saskatoon, I never imagined you'd drive all the way there with a carload of dogs! They must all be good travelers. Love the shot of Rocky NOT putting his paw in the water! LOL.


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