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Saturday, May 29, 2010


Just received this pics in from the Charlebois family in Ottawa of their boy Travis doing what he loves best - JUMPING! His natural talent for running and jumping is going to come in handy for his upcoming Agility classes. His personality shines at his doggie day camp.

It was ironic that I should receive these pictures on Friday, as he happens to be a 'brother' to Whistler, the BPIS winner (posting) yesterday. The difference is he was from the 1st breeding we did between "Dallas" the sire, and our "Tyme" the mother. He's a year older than Whistler, so you can see why we considered repeating this breeding. The sister to Travis is our MBPIG & Group Winner "Chinook".

Thanks Eric for taking such action packed pictures.


Kav May 30, 2010 at 2:59 PM  

Wow, those are amazing shots!!!! That last one looks like he's going to leap right out of the picture and into my living room -- which would make my guy happy. Travis is obviously enjoying himself!


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