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Thursday, June 24, 2010

1st Regional Specialty -CSSA East Ont/PQ

The 1st Regional Specialty for CSSA East Ont/PQ was held in conjunction with the Kingston & District Kennel Club this past Sat, June 19th.

I have not posted before this as I've been waiting to hear the final results from the Obedience & Rally side of the Specialty - still to be done however need to get this post up.

Given that Michael is the Regional Director for this area, it seems only fitting that we post this event on our Blog. Much of the behind the scenes work is never known to the general public, nor is much of it ever publisized. If the event runs smoothly, everyone is happy, if not then that's where it seems the 'non-workers' are the 1st to complain.

We have to thank Nestle Purina for providing several items in the goodie bags that all entrants received - Conformation, Obedience & Rally. We received loads of 'OH WOW How Lovely' from the Performance people!

We had a lovely day for it. Yes it was hot & humid and treatening black clouds in the area, but the breeze kept it very comfortable, clouds blocked the heat rays and there was no rain on our parade. What more could we ask for a June day! Thanks for all your praying Bill (Nancy's husband)

This Specialty also had Sweeps (6 thru 18mths classes) and a Booster for Obedience & Rally in the regular Sat show, which more often than not is not available, but we were lucky that this club holds these 2 Performance events on the same weekend.

We were pleased to have Lloyd Lambert (Pinnacle Shelties) accept the honour of judging the Sweeps. Nancy Tibben (Golden Hylite's Shelties) graciously accepted to do the assignment for the Specialty.

A Specialty can't run without monetary donations or prizes coming from the members or associated sheltie enthusiasts, as more often than not the portion of the entry that is received back, in no way covers the costs (ribbons, prizes (bags to put them all in!, decorations) & the meager judges expenses in this case).

THANK YOUS go to The Pats (Macbarra) who started us off with a large donation, Pennylynn Woodruff (Ruffleith), with several prizes & advertisments on the Sheltie Strutt site, Tom & Liz Graham (Graloch), Cathy Graham (Onawhim), Mary-Anne Yolkowskie, Grace & Darryl Barton (Dawnoday), and ourselves.

Results as follows for Sweeps - 8 dogs entered

Best in Sweeps: Toven On Angel's Wings - breeder T. Mapes

Best of Opposite in Sweeps: Sharrow Ensemble - breeder M. Pratt & M & M Lynch

Results for the Regional Specialty 7 males, 8 females, 1 male Spec, 1 female Spec, 1 Female Spec Veteran

Best of Breed/Veteran - BISS BIS Am/Cdn Ch Laureate Fifth Avenue b/K Aston, P Culumovic, o/ J & T Pavey

Best of Opposite Sex - Ch. Rumor's Prince Of Darkness b/o L Millman, S Tilbury

Winners Dog/Best of Winners/Best Puppy - Sea Haven Rikadon Moon N'Starz b/Yvonne Samuelson, o/D Mcculloch & Y Samuelson

Reserve Winners Dog - Sharrow Ensemble (b/see above) o/M Pratt

Winners Bitch - Laureate Epitome b/o K Aston, P Culumovic

Reserve Winners Bitch - Toven On Angel's Wings b/ T Mapes, o/S McHugh-Boumans

Obedience had 7 eligible shelties and 8 in Rally.

We also had an armband draw with a gift basket of over $70 provided by Petempire and that went to a Rally entry - Kellie & Jeff Whiteside (Herdabout). You'll find more info on the mini seminar further down in this post.

Here are some of the better candid ringside shots taken by various people we handed our camera off to since Mike was busy handing out the goodie bags and I was ring stewarding.

There was certainly a good crowd that gathered around the ring. The brown tent in the background we had put up, just in case it rained or we got beating down sun, so the exhibitors would have added space to keep their dogs dry & cool. Needless to say it didn't have to be used.

Am sure those of you in shelties will recognized many of the faces taking it all in.
After the show we held a mini product seminar put on by Steve of Petempire. He demo'd some of the new products from Isle of Dogs and ones from Chris Christensen that are best for grooming shelties.
Penny brought her pup Rio to be used as the demo dog.

"Everyone, touch it, feel it, so you know."


Kav June 25, 2010 at 6:36 AM  

Wow -- I didn't even realize there was a Regional Shetland Sheepdog Specialty Show! How cool is that?

judyf,  June 25, 2010 at 8:44 AM  

Here's to an even bigger entry next year!. Glad you thought to give extra awards for obedience and rally Shelties. Maybe I'll have something to show in 2011.

Shelamo Shelties June 25, 2010 at 9:03 AM  

Wouldn't that be great Judy! Remember folks to go to the site where Penny keeps it up to date as to what she knows is happening.


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