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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Kingston Show - A Bit Of This, Bit of That

The drive down to Kingston @ 7:am am was a foggy one, but it soon lifted an hour out. Eventually the sun came out around 10am, only to have it feel like 32 C, hot and muggy.
Row upon row of trailers, tents & canopies lined the various roadways as everyone tried to get a spot close to the rings. One still had to dodge, or carry our shelties across the muddy areas to get to the main show area. This year they had 2 large marque tents up. Here's just 1/2 of one of the areas.By noon with the sun high in the sky, and only a few large trees around the tents it would get crowded as people sought out shade to watch the show.
Chinook chilling out with her stuffed toy.
Chinook's foot seemed OK with all the TLC last so we gave it a go and showed her. Both girls placed 1st in their class; thanks to Penny Woodruff for taking Flirt in again for me. No points today, a lovely blue merle from the classes, owned by Cheryl Pike took the Breed and went on to win a Group 4th.
This site/camping grounds has just about everything ....
Upon leaving I captured this rooster strutting his stuff. Do you think he'd turn and face me? nope, not on your life!
We were wondering where the duck was .... then we spotted it under a bush. I say 'it' as I have no idea what kind this is and whether it is a male or female.
Off to soak Chinook's foot again, clean up the puppies and head off to bed.


Laureate July 25, 2009 at 9:29 PM  

Hi Maureen,

I think the duck is a Muscovy duck...I don't know if it is male or female either. I think they are the common meat ducks (hope this guy isn't headed for the table).


Shelamo Shelties July 26, 2009 at 9:06 PM  

Today, Sun we saw a few more of these ducks on our way out. With trailers, campers, vans all heading out we couldn't stop on the road to take pics. They seemed to just be hanging out, enjoying the grassy, shaded areas. I wonder if you would get 'goose grease', as my father used to say, from these guys ... lol


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