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Check out these articles by Dr. Stanley Coren (BC, Canada) Canine Corner

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Secret - A Little Mite

Our little Secret is almost 8 wks old, still a 'little mite'. But OH, is she cute and with a sweet temperament.
Hummmm .... which direction might you go next? You can't surprise me!

The Bumble Ball has shown she's got some herding instincts, once it's stopped tho, it's just another chew toy that needs checking out.
And her soft squishy squeekie toys that Mary-Anne bought for her, she just loves! Pondering her next move.

in a high pitched voice just say .... "Secret!!!" and she's ready to give you attention
Her new agility home .... they are waiting impatiently for her vetting & shots ...



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