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Check out these articles by Dr. Stanley Coren (BC, Canada) Canine Corner

Monday, August 17, 2009

TIKO Show Weekend

It was a sweltering show weekend ... close to 40C with the humidity! It's been cloudy, rainy and cool so far this summer, so both us and the dogs have not yet acclimatized to it.

We just entered our Snr Puppy Chinook, as that's about the only dog in the kennel with any coat. I'm not sure she was pleased either to be out in the heat. Friday Mary-Anne went down with me (she took the pictures); on Saturday I had extra company with Mary-Anne & Marylou along for the ride, and I put them to work helping me out with 5 of our dogs having their eyes checked @ the Eye Clinic. Good news, all were Clear! Sunday, Mike made the trip with me.

Today, as I write this, it's still HOT! Some 41 C with the humidex. The A/C is working overtime for sure ... at least we're all in doors where it's cool. Guess tho, we shouldn't complain ... maybe we'll get some pool time this summer!



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